File Preparation and Transfer
These guidelines are prepared to assist in the final preparation of files to be submitted to J.A.Wales Printers.
By following these simple guidelines most common problems will be eliminated. At J.A.Wales, we support most industry standard programs such as Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and PDF’s created to our specifications. Microsoft programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher are also supported but have limitations, depending on their application. If you have any questions regarding file preparation, please contact Derryn Thomas in our Prepress Department.

Typefaces and Fonts:
a. Please use Type 1 Postscript fonts, including both screen and printer fonts.
b. Do not use style attributes ie. italic, bold etc. Use the italic or bold version of that font from the font library.
c. All fonts used, should be submitted with the working files and in PostScript and PDF files, all fonts should be embedded.

a. Colour pictures and images must be converted to CMYK from RGB or any other colour format.
b. Please select the right colour type, Pantone or CMYK. Pantone colours must have the PMS number or name identified in your layout to avoid being treated as CMYK.

a. Images scanned for the web at 72dpi will not print well.
b. Avoid resizing images in your layout, if a 300dpi image is scaled 200%, the result will be an image of 150dpi which again will not print well.
c. Line artwork should be supplied at 600dpi and all images should be supplied at 300dpi.

Page Layout:
a. Insert blank pages where required in the document, use sequential numbering keeping left hand pages as even number pages and right hand pages as odd number pages.
b. Allow a minimum of 3mm bleed outside your trim marks for any solid colours or graphics that bleed off the finished page size.
c. Please use Adobe InDesign (preferred) as your page layout program.